Today, the effects of long-drawn unsustainable practices are catching up with us. No matter where you live in the world, global warming and imminent environmental threats remain a reality. Any action rooted in eco-conscious and heightened awareness can make a huge difference when it comes to ensuring that small and steady sustainable choices lead up to the larger society taking on a more informed approach towards the rhetoric of accountability and sustainability.
Hemp is your easy shortcut to all things sustainable- every part of the plant has something in store for the planet, and you. It has a lot going on for it as far as sustainability is concerned, with its organic and regenerative properties playing a vital role in ensuring that the planet feels nourished and rejuvenated. Hemp embodies sustainability in a plethora of ways- some of which we recall here, see it for yourselves!

Regenerating the soil
Hemp is an effective solution in combating the increasingly pervasive phenomenon of soil pollution! Due to the advent of agricultural practices that are harmful to nature, endless farming cycles have tapped out the rich nutrient ecosystem found in soil naturally. With these intense farming cycles, the soil ecosystem has not been granted ample time to regenerate its nutrients, thus, effectively stopping it from being able to replenish its health.
Hemp aids in improving soil health by sequestering the CO2 in the soil, thus, leaving it in a better condition when compared to the health of the soil before the hemp was planted. By returning a good amount of nutrients to the soil, hemp prevents soil erosion. Not only that, hemp is considered an annual crop- it grows for just four months, thus allowing for crop rotation to take place. Crop rotation is a great practice to ensure a cleaner and more healthy soil ecosystem, thus strongly tying it back to sustainable farming.
Water conservation done right
Hemp is an extremely sustainable crop given that it can pretty much irrigate itself naturally. Thus, reducing the need for industrial amounts of water. Industrial hemp is a lot more sustainable than cotton when it comes to the industry of textiles. Industrial hemp barely needs one-third of the water that the cotton crop does. Given the amount of fast fashion that the clothing industry contributes to the world, hemp is a great alternative that has a vast potential of being able to save water.
Top-Notch Disease and Pest Resistance
Hemp is almost magical in its abilities- it is naturally resistant to insects, diseases, and any kind of fungi that will attack the crop. We are aware of the incessant damage that chemicals and pesticides cause when it comes to agriculture. They have been found everywhere- soil, water, and even in living organisms found in water bodies- they pose a threat to not just the larger biodiversity found in nature, but also threatens the quality and safety of produce for there is a real risk of the same becoming unsafe for human consumption. Switching over to a sustainable crop like hemp can mean significant developments for agricultural development across the world.
Everything to do with hemp is valuable
Every part of the hemp plant can be put to use- the stalks can prove to be a great resource when it comes to making textiles and even rope. They can be used in construction as well as the paper industry. Hemp seeds are great for maintaining fabulous heart health, they are high in protein, magnesium, zinc, and a host of other essential acids and nutrients. Raw hemp leaves are full of powerful antioxidants like polyphenols that help delay aging skin. Oil extracted from raw hemp leaves are great for aromatherapy. The leaves are also rich in digestible globular proteins as well as Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Finally, the root- is considered to have medicinal benefits for a host of conditions from eczema to rheumatism to gout.
Hemp as a crop embodies sustainability like no other crop- it contains numerous benefits not just when consumed but even when it is just planted as well. With conscious cultivation and consumption of hemp, our conviction to march towards a sustainable planet becomes stronger every single day.